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Liberal theology infiltrated the contemporary church

The greatest danger of this new religion, disguised as liberal theology, is precisely its "appearance" with orthodox Christianity. Sneakily, it infiltrates the ignorance of many believers. I realize that often the entrance door is frustration with some ecclesiastical aspect, and in an attempt to overcome such difficulties, some end up falling into a complete distortion of the gospel, emptied of meaning and connection with the original purpose of the church.

I believe that in Brazil, such a movement, although delayed, if compared to the advance in the rest of the world, has gained strength due to the crisis of discipleship that the churches face and also due to the socio-political-ideological circumstance established in the media, in the media. academics and society in general. It is not by chance that political ideologies that are traditionally opposed to religion and even to God, find more space to dialogue with Christians inclined to theological liberalism. In this way, guidelines that historically have always been embraced by religion and the church, such as caring for the poor and the struggle for equality end up being kidnapped and used against orthodoxy, favoring and taking as correct, what the Scriptures have as abjection.

And this is what we see emerging dangerous and unsuspecting hermeneutic proposals, which propose the updating of sacred writings, based on the assumption that the Bible is not the word of God, but only contains it, and can be relativized according to the interpretation of those who read it. . Ultimately, when everything becomes the word of God, it is nothing but His word.


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