The Trinity of God
It is moving to read the Atanasian and Niceno creeds. It really caught my attention that they highly value the Catholic faith. As much as this has at some point suffered distortions, I believe that in what they set out to define the creeds, the statement is irreproachable.
It is very easy, nowadays, for someone to try to reduce salvation to belief in Jesus, without ever having considered the depth of these creeds. I am not proposing in any way that there is no saving power in Jesus or in His Holy Name, but only recognizing the effort of the Catholic faith (note that I did not say Catholic Church), through voracious councils, in which it was fought to reach the final texts of the creeds. The foundation laid by these, allow us today, even if ignorantly, to enjoy in a simple way truths as complex as that of the triunity of God.
I also think it is important to point out the two aspects contained in that expression, nature and personality. It remains clear that the revelation of God, however much it is only one, takes into account our limitation to understand it, and that is precisely why it is inserted in our own narrative.